Who We Are

The Commons is a gathering of young adults (high school grads - 29 years old) at Grace Fellowship who seek to live Jesus-centered lives in their Young Adult years. We pursue Christ together through weekly small groups and summer gatherings.

Small Groups

The Commons meets in small groups from September thru May. You can expect an environment of about 15 people focused on having practical conversations about relevant topics.

Small group is a perfect way to meet people and form relationships that are meaningful. We believe life should be done in community – small groups make that happen.


Follow The Commons on Instagram @gracecommons to stay up-to-date on all things Young Adults.

Summer Nights
Summer Nights

You can expect to have some fun, meet other young adults, engage worship and a biblical teaching, and even play sand volleyball!

Summer Nights happen every Tuesday night starting in June!


We’d love to help you get plugged in or even answer any questions that you have! Or, do you just need to talk to a Commons leader? Click the button below to get in touch.


We get a lot of questions. Check out the FAQ's below. Didn't find your answer? Contact us on Instagram or click the "Get in Touch" button above.

Am I a Young Adult?
  • Just for fun, ask yourself how you define the term Young Adult (YA)? Obviously there can be a lot of confusion about who is actually considered a YA and when  someone becomes a “Normal Adult.” At The Commons we have defined a YA as someone who is a graduating senior to 29 years old. However, stage-of-life is  a more accurate indicator of someone’s YA status.
  • The Commons is dedicated to bridging the “Life Gap” between those on the upper and lower ends of their YA years. Many stages of life are represented at The Commons: recent high school grads, college students, young marrieds, singles, and young professionals, and they all call The Commons their ministry. We view this as an opportunity for YA’s to walk side-by-side as they pursue living a Jesus-centered life in their YA years.
So what about High School Grads?

High School seniors are encouraged to join The Commons the summer after they graduate high school. For many students, the summer before they start college or a career can be a very stressful season. We hope their connection to The Commons helps build their biblical understanding of life and provides them the relationships they need to crush their transition into adulthood!

What do you do at these "Summer Nights"?

At Summer Nights you’ll be able to: drink some coffee, play your favorite sport/activity, engage some worship music, meet some friends, hear an engaging message on something relevant to young adulthood.

If you are looking for a place to meet friends, curious about spiritual things, just looking to have some fun, or a Christian looking for meaningful connection to other believers, Summer Nights are the perfect place for you.

Where do I sign-up?

Summer Gatherings

No need to sign up for Summer Gatherings – just show up! Invite a friend too!

Small Groups

Small groups run September-May. For more information on groups or to get signed up fora group click the button.